Sharpening service open
Limited availability of major repairs (thinning, refinishing, etc.)

Store Hours: Monday thru Friday 11am to 6pm PST

*Free Shipping on Domestic Orders over $100…Want us to take care of initial sharpening? Just ask.

Keeping People Up-to-Date

I spend some time talking to my good friend (well, he is really more like an older brother) Jason today. He had a bunch of suggestions for me with regard to the site. Among the things we talked about, he emphasized the importance of keeping in touch with my clients/customers. I said I already had a blog, facebook, twitter, etc. He said that doesn't cut it. People still have to search out information on their own. So, I decided to start a newsletter... well, newsletter doesn't really describe it properly. In fact, I hate newsletters. I have bulk mail in general. I really don't want to send people crap in their e-mail all the time. So I'm not going to. Instead, what I've decided to do is send out information when we have new products, or when things that are out of stock arrive back in stock. Also, we will let people know when we add new services they may be interested in. No stupid articles about this company or that company. No op-eds. No crap you don't want to see. Just simple and straight-to-the-point updates on what you want to know about. Let us know what you think. And, in the meantime, if you want to sign up, visit us @ Japanese Knife Imports Mailing List. I promise not to send you crap.
Jonathan Broida
Jonathan Broida


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