We are officially beginning our knife rehandling services for japanese kitchen knives. We will be replacing/upgrading wa handles on a variety of knives, including the more traditional types- yanagiba, deba, usuba, etc.- and most of the western shaped wa-handled knives- wa-gyuto, wa-petty, wa-sujihiki, etc. Knife rehandles are done in the traditional japanese method. Jonathan has trained with a number of craftsmen in Japan perparing for this. He has rehandled with variety of woods including ho wood, iichi, ebony. For the time being, we will only be offering ho and iichi octagonal handles. Later on, we will add other types of wood. The handles are imported from Japan and we perform strict quality checks on all of them. When we install the handles, we will seal the area where the handle meets the tang so as to protect the tang from water, rust, food, etc.
*We will only perform rehandles on handles purchased from us and will not sell handles unless they are installed by us.
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Jonathan Broida